The Discovery of the Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox SolarAlignments

Located at the Siwa oasis, the famous ancient Amun Oracle temple atop the Aghurmi mound is the most significant old-world antiquities site in the Egyptian Sahara Desert. Note the distinctive outline of the structure.

The outline of the Amun Oracle structure can clearly be seen inside of the rising sun on the 2013 Spring Equinox when viewed from the recently-reborn Timasirayn Temple, which is over 12km away. The rising of the sun directly over the Aghurmi mound (when viewed from Timasirayn Temple) only happens on 2 days a year - the Spring and Fall Equinoxes.
This major temple-alignment discovery now places Timasirayn and Siwa Oasis in the same company as other famous Equinox-aligned temples and locations such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia; Tikal in Guatemala, South America;Chichen Itza at El Castillo, Mexico; Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico, etc.
Details below.
NOTE: The release of this documentary is now on hold so as to be able to incorporate
the new companion finding - The 'Amun Oracle Inner Sanctum Double-Window Alignment' Discovery and 'Ritual Festival' Theory.
This means that the release date for the re-tooled film is now TBA.
MARCH 24, 2014:
The first ever — well, in at least 1500 years, likely — public witnessing/viewing of the spring equinox sunrise over Aghurmi/Amun Oracle from the reborn Timasirayn Temple happened on March 21st, 2014 in Siwa, Egypt. There were 45 or so lucky attendees, who all gasped in astonishment as the minute-long event transpired. Elation followed as the reality of this masterpiece of ancient solar-calendar science sunk in. Immediately beforehand, co-discoverer Dustin Donaldson gave an impromptu 15 minute discourse on the engine/mechanics of the Earth's axial tilt and subsequent results that lead to the seasons, solstices, and the balanced day/night configuration that marks the equinoctial moment twice a year. Co-discoverer Robynn Iwata documented the proceedings. Fantastic weather made for a perfect time.

Video screen-snap of Dustin Donaldson atop Timasirayn Temple pointing towards
the location of the Amun Oracle on the horizon. Just seconds later the orb appeared.

Spring equinox sunrise over the Amun Oracle/Aghurmi viewed from 12km away
at Timasirayn Temple in Siwa Oasis, Egypt on March 21st 2014.

Close up. Notice the distinctive outline of the Aghurmi mound inside of the sun yolk. Millennia after millennia, like clockwork.
Discovery declaration, signed before being buried in a bottle at the site, in the classic explorer style....
FEBRUARY 20, 2014:
Currently in the finishing stages of production is a 20-minute documentary film revealing the solar equinox alignment (March 21 and September 22) between the mysterious Timasirayn Temple (near the Khamisa district on the far western side of Siwa Oasis in the Egyptian Sahara) and the eastern Aghurmi mound which holds the famous Amun Oracle.

Screensnap of the title sequence from the forthcoming documentary film.
'The Lost Temple Discovered - Key to the Solar Gate of the City' will be released (date TBA) on this website. This documentary will fully showcase and thoroughly explain the temple-alignment discovery, which is driven by the phenomena and mechanism behind the natural 'god-clock' timepiece known as the spring/fall equinoxes and summer/winter solstices. The film (and pictorial evidence below) simply leaves no doubt that the previously obscure desert temple known as Timasirayn — a forgotten temple with very little supporting historical information, unfortunately — is precisely cardinally aligned, and is a perfect platform from which to view the two yearly equinoxes as the sun rises over Aghurmi/the Amun Temple, which is over 12 kilometers distance from Timasirayn, across Lake Siwa. We are left with no choice but to assume that viewing this marvel of ancient calendar science was one of the primary purposes for the existence of Timasirayn Temple, if not its main purpose. One wonders how far back into history this spot may have been used for this spectacular event, perhaps even before any temple was built...
NOTE: The release of this documentary is now on hold so as to be able to incorporate the new companion finding -
The 'Amun Oracle Inner Sanctum Double-Window Alignment and Ritual Festival' Discovery.
This means that the release date for the re-tooled film is now TBA.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2013:
We know that there are many of you reading this who already have a thorough understanding of the concept of archaeo-astronomical temple alignments and their associated phenomena, so the following photos should give you all the information that you really need to be certain of the claims that we are making here. For the rest of you who may not be acquainted with these concepts, rest assured that the 'Lost Temple Discovered - Key to the Solar Gate of the City' documentary will fill in your knowledge-gap and answer all of your questions.
So, for now, here are the basic proofs of this ancient masterpiece of stellar calendrics:

Aghurmi, the original historic 'city center' of Siwa Oasis, home to the famed Amun Oracle, where among other major events, Alexander the Great received the word that he was a 'god'. Note the distinctive outline of the mound / structure.

Timasirayn Temple. 34m x 8m. Mudbrick on large limestone block foundations. Large portions are still buried.

Timasirayn Temple ground plan, taken from 'Siwa, Past and Present' by Abd El-Aziz Aldumairy.
Timasirayn was excavated by Abd El-Aziz Aldumairy , 1999.

The view east towards central Siwa from Timasirayn Temple.
Note the astonishing fact that Aghurmi/Amun Oracle cannot readily be seen with the eye!
Compare the relationship of these landmarks with the next image below.

Satellite photo of Siwa showing the 12km line of sight from
Timasirayn Temple (left) to the Amun Oracle directly due east (right).
Compare with the landmarks in the previous image.
Only on the spring/fall equinoxes will the sun rise precisely over
the Aghurmi/Amun Oracle Temple when viewed from Timasirayn Temple.

Spring equinox sunrise over Amun Oracle/Aghurmi viewed from Timasirayn Temple, March 21, 2013.
Within one day the sun will appear to begin to slide northward along the horizon away from Aghurmi,
reaching its culmination at the summer solstice.

Close up of spring equinox sunrise over Amun Oracle/Aghurmi from Timasirayn Temple, March 21, 2013.
Note the distinctive outline of the Aghurmi mound / structure.

Stellarium astronomical software screensnap illustrating the spring equinox 2013 sunrise
as seen from Timasirayn.

Summer solstice sunrise viewed from Timasirayn Temple, June 21, 2015.
There are no visible alignments in this direction. Notice the difference that 3 months make in the 'spread' of the sun as it travels northward from its 'center' marker (Aghurmi) at the spring equinox. Within 3 days the sun will appear to begin to slide southward back down the horizon until it reaches the 'center-notch' at the fall equinox (over Aghurmi).

Fall equinox sunrise over Amun Oracle/Aghurmi viewed from Timasirayn Temple, September 22, 2013.
Within one day the sun will appear to begin to slide southward along the horizon away from Aghurmi,
reaching its culmination at the winter solstice.

Close up of fall equinox sunrise over Amun Oracle/Aghurmi from Timasirayn Temple, September 22, 2013.

Stellarium astronomical software screensnap illustrating the fall equinox 2013 sunrise
as seen from Timasirayn Temple.

Winter solstice sunrise viewed from Timasirayn Temple, December 22, 2013.
There are no visible alignments in this direction. Notice the difference that 3 months make in the 'spread' of the sun as it travels southward along the horizon from its 'center' marker at the fall equinox. This spread exactly equals the angular degree of the winter solstice's balanced opposite, the summer solstice. Within 3 days the sun will appear to begin to slide northward back up the horizon until it reaches the spring equinox (over Aghurmi),
where and when the cycle begins all over again, year after millennium...

Animated gif (6 frames, forward and backward) highlighting the absolute precision of the twice-yearly equinox sun rising over the Amun Oracle as seen from Timasirayn Temple, over 12km away.
Finally, for those of you in Egypt — or anywhere worldwide — we encourage you to see this incredible wonder (which now takes its place with other equinox aligned temples found around the world: the Sphinx, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala-South America, Cairn T in Ireland, Chichen Itza at El Castillo-Mexico, Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan-Mexico, etc). it is our hope that the Siwan community and visitors to Siwa, Egypt enter 'the solar gate to the city' at Timasirayn Temple on March 21st and/or Sept 22nd of each year with binoculars and a zoom-lens camera, so as to be able to experience this long-lost and now rediscovered wonder of ancient cosmological-religious science for themselves.
This discovery was reported to and accepted by the Siwa Council for Antiquities on September 23, 2013.
All content © 2008-2024, Donaldson/Iwata for The Source In The Sahara and Mesmer Detector, Ltd,
with the exception of the Timasirayn ground plan diagram by Abd El-Aziz Aldumairy,
the Stellarium astronomical software equinox alignment illustrations, and the Siwa satellite image from Google Maps.
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