by Dustin T. Donaldson and Robynn Iwata
• The Discovery of the Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Solar Equinox Alignments
The most important and famous archaeological and historic site in the Siwa Oasis of Egypt is the Amun Oracle, which sits atop the old city center mound of Aghurmi. In the desert 12km directly west, and across Lake Siwa, sits a previously mysterious and obscure construction known as Timasirayn Temple. Dustin T. Donaldson and Robynn Iwata spent a year watching the sunrise from this temple after noticing that the walls of Timasirayn were precisely aligned to the compass, which suggested an astronomical function for the building. It was during the sunrise of the spring Equinox of 2013 that the discovery was made — the Equinox sun emerged precisely over the Amun Oracle when viewed from the Timasirayn Temple. It also happens in the exact same manner on the day of the fall Equinox. This has happened unfailingly twice yearly since its construction many millennia ago. The conclusion is inescapable: the Timasirayn Temple was built in Pharaonic times (likely atop an even older, possibly pre-historic mound) as a solar calendar time-piece for tracking the year and the seasons. The associated Ancient Egyptian philosophic-religious conceptions necessarily follow. While solar alignments are found at sacred sites throughout the world, and draw crowds of thousands yearly, this shocking discovery of an Equinoctial solar-alignment between temples is actually the first of its kind known in Egypt.
Siwa Oasis, Egypt: Co-discoverer Dustin Thomas Donaldson giving an explanatory talk about
the Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment on the evening before the event. Spring Equinox, 2016.
This discovery was reported to and accepted by the Siwa Egyptian Antiquities Council in September of 2013.
© 2015 Dustin Donaldson and Robynn Iwata for Mesmer Detector, Ltd, and The Source in the Sahara
• The 'Amun Oracle Inner Sanctum Double-Window Alignment' Discovery and 'Ritual Festival' Theory
After discovering the precise Spring and Fall Equinox solar alignments over the Amun Oracle when viewed from Timasirayn Temple, The Source In The Sahara's Dustin T. Donaldson and Robynn Iwata wondered if there may be some sort of previously-unnoticed companion event happening at the Amun Oracle itself during the Equinox. Indeed, there is! The process for uncovering this second discovery began by going to the Timasirayn Temple at the sunrise. Of course, from here one is looking directly East at the Amun Oracle, over which the sun rises directly on the 2 equinoctial days of the year (one every 6 months). Later that day, we journeyed to the Oracle itself, to see the sun set (looking directly West) towards Timasirayn, thinking that we might see something interesting. However, there is no obvious 'setting-sun-viewing-platform' at the Amun Oracle. So, where to begin? We checked all of the potential locations and quickly determined that nothing of note can be seen toward Timasirayn Temple on the western horizon from the Amun Oracle/Aghurmi mound. However, as we moved deeper into the temple itself,
back to the two deepest rooms, we got a very big surprise indeed. . .
The Amun Oracle of Siwa Oasis, Egypt: Co-discoverer Dustin Thomas Donaldson giving an explanatory talk
as the light beam glides across the inner wall on its way to the Oracle room window. Spring Equinox, 2016.
This physical discovery and associated conceptual theory was reported to, witnessed by, and accepted by
the Siwa Council Of Egyptian Antiquities on March 8th, 2015 at the Amun Oracle itself.
© 2015 Dustin Donaldson and Robynn Iwata for Mesmer Detector, Ltd, and The Source in the Sahara
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