The Source In The Sahara
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L A T E S T   N E W S :

September 22, 2024 Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment, 6:45am (Egyptian Daylight Saving Time)… October 4, 2024 Amun Oracle Inner Sanctum Double-Window Alignment, 4:45pm  (Egyptian Daylight Saving Time). Don't be late the sun won't wait!

•  Information and Tips for Attendees/Visitors   

Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment
September 22, 2024


Unfortunately this year's Fall Equinox sunrise over the Amun Oracle will likely not be clearly visible from Timasirayn. Wild and cultivated plant growth in the lands that are situated in the 12km between Timasirayn and the Amun Oracle is currently blocking the view of the horizon/The Oracle.
Normally, this issue is attended to by the Antiquities Department, however the landscape maintenance has been put on hold.

If you still wish to be present at Timasirayn for this year's Spring Equinox sunrise regardless of the poor visibility, please arrive no later than 6:45am (Egyptian Daylight Saving Time).

As a courtesy to others already in attendance and for the preservation of the environs, please do not drive vehicles or walk in front (i.e., on the eastern side) of the ruins.

Here is some additional info regarding the Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment that isn't currently noted on the Discoveries page:

Some repeat visitors have noted that the most precise alignments do not always occur on the very last sunrise preceding the official Fall Equinox time (or the very first sunrise following the official Spring Equinox time).

This is true, and in fact, the precision of the alignment varies slightly from year to year. This is due to the fact that the Earth’s annual orbit around the Sun is not a precise 365 days long but is actually 365.24 days long — necessitating an extra day added to the calendar every four years (a "leap year").

Humans created the "leap year" convention to manage this difference in measurements of time, and the builders of the Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment would necessarily have had to — and did — incorporate the "leap year" reality into the overall plan.

Amazingly, they accomplished this by using an 'averaging' method in the alignment construction.

While observing the subtle shift of the Equinox sunrises over the Amun Oracle from Timasirayn during the course of many consecutive years, we have been able to identify the pattern governing the natural resetting of this cycle.

Of course, this divergence occurs every four years, with the most precise alignments being in 2013, 2017, 2021, 2025, 2029, etc.

Ultimately, this means that the amazing Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment makes for a perfect Archaeo-Astronomical instrument for the precise calibration of solar-derived timekeeping on Earth.

No batteries, winding, or OS updates needed.

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Amun Oracle Inner Sanctum Double-Window Alignment
October 4, 2024

The listed dates are the best days to experience the profound precision of this marvellous ancient calendar/clock. However, if you are unable to attend on those specific days, the day before and the day after are still very very close and impressive.

Please arrive at the Amun Oracle by 4:45pm (Egyptian Daylight Saving Time).

The duration of the sunbeam’s transit through the window is 25 minutes from the first to last appearance of light on the Inner Sanctum wall.

To witness a fuller transit of the sunbeam that includes its passage across the wall as it approaches the inner window, arrive 30-60 minutes earlier than the suggested time. We recommend this — it is very relaxing/meditative — a great way to spend time in the Oracle.

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Many of you are aware that Equinox-aligned structures also inherently calibrate the next timekeeping cycle above the year — the night-time/star-based 25,920 year Precession Of The Equinoxes — but we'll discuss that in more detail in our forthcoming book Amun Rising (publication date TBA)... ;)

SPRING  2 0 1 5  N E W S :

• Confirmed: New discovery at the Amun Oracle Temple in Siwa Oasis, Egypt! 
The Source In The Sahara's Dustin T. Donaldson and Robynn Iwata spent a full year watching the slow-moving behaviour of the sun's rays across an inner sanctum wall deep in the Amun Oracle at Siwa Oasis, Egypt. Ultimately, on only two days a year, 6 months apart, the light beam, which is allowed into the building by a small high outside window, moves into perfect alignment with another very special opening even deeper inside the structure—the window to the holy sanctuary of the god Amun!

Throughout the course of the year, the proofs of the find—which has been hiding in plain sight for probably at least 1,600 years—were documented. This includes the first ever photograph of a human being lit by the Sun through the Equinox-related, double-window alignment (In the glory days of the Oracle it was the Amun statue itself in this position).

This amazing new discovery of Ancient Egyptian solar-mechanics (Archaeo-Astronomy) was reported to, witnessed by, and accepted by the Siwa Council Of Egyptian Antiquities on March 8th, 2015 at the Amun Oracle Temple.

Full details are forthcoming, but for now, a quite-thorough overview of
the 'Amun Oracle Inner Sanctum Double-Window Alignment' Discovery and 'Ritual Festival Theory' is HERE.

• Meanwhile, in related Equinox-alignment news, we are excited to report that the second ever public Timasirayn Temple/Amun Oracle Spring Equinox alignment viewing (March 21, 2015) was graced by the presence of the Mayor of Siwa as well as a group of select city council members and other local dignitaries. The addition of a total solar eclipse the day before made for a very memorable occasion in Siwa Oasis.

 We were recently honoured by Siwa's Abdu Restaurant and Tanta Waa Cafe at the Cleopatra Spring when they each asked us for a framed photo of our Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment discovery. HERE are pictures of us at the locations when we delivered them in the frames that we hand-built. 

 There is a new page about the mysterious and rarely-visited 'Bagnold's Stone Circle' in the NE Gilf Kebir Plateau (SW Egyptian Sahara) HERE.

 Dustin T. Donaldson and Robynn Iwata, the proprietors here at, have recently completed the editing and translation of modern desert exploration pioneer Mahmoud Marai's upcoming book Travels In The Setting Sun: A Diary Of Explorations And Discoveries In The Egyptian Sahara  (publication date tba). An EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT will be found on the upcoming 'Kingdom Of Yam' page here at

• We are taking pre-orders for the book documenting our two
Archaeo-Astronomical discoveries in the Egyptian Sahara oasis of Siwa. 


Publication date: TBA

Take a sneak peek HERE, and pre-order your copy by simply contacting us stating your interest in acquiring one.
We will subsequently let you know when it is available for purchase. 

• The biggest alt-history news site on the web is Read their article and interview
with The Source In The Sahara's Robynn Iwata and Dustin Thomas Donaldson
regarding the Timasirayn Temple / Amun Oracle Equinox Alignment discovery HERE.  

• There are a few other Egyptian-based news articles on this discovery linked in the Resources section.

M A R C H  2 4,  2 0 1 4  N E W S :

•  The first ever—well, in at least 1,500 years, likely—public witnessing/viewing of the spring equinox sunrise over Aghurmi/Amun Oracle from the reborn Timasirayn temple happened on March 21st, 2014 in Siwa, Egypt. There were 45 or so lucky attendees, who all gasped in astonishment as the minute-long event transpired. Elation followed as the reality of this masterpiece of ancient solar-calendar science sunk in. Immediately beforehand, co-discoverer Dustin Donaldson gave an impromptu 15-minute discourse on the engine/mechanics of the Earth's axial tilt and subsequent results that lead to the seasons, solstices, and the balanced day/night configuration that marks the equinoctial moment twice a year. Co-discoverer Robynn Iwata documented the proceedings. Fantastic weather made for a perfect time.

See photos HERE.

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